The Kepler mission NASA has discovered a planet, the two stars instead of a circle. Saturn is similar to the planet, as the black point in this artist's figure, although it more dense and travels in a 229-day circular orbit around the two stars.
A large number - is a trillion if you speak, dollars or euros. But a trillion miles is not so much in the cosmic order of things. Astronomers say that they have now found a planet orbiting two Suns a mere thousand trillion miles from here. It is yet another example of a strange solar system around nearby star discovered.
Ago launched to search two years NASA Kepler Observatory for Earth-like planet beyond our solar system. It has found more than 1,000 obvious planets around distant suns.
This animation shows the Kepler-16 system from an overhead view. The two stars in the Center Vortex around each other every 41 days during of the planet, as the small white point, makes a full circle around the star every 229 days.
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This animation shows the Kepler-16 system from an overhead view. The two stars in the Center Vortex around each other every 41 days during of the planet, as the small white point, makes a full circle around the star every 229 days.
(Note: this video has no sound.)
Now, it has found a planet in orbit around a star for the first time. Laurance Doyle of the SETI Institute in California says these two stars are away in the constellation Cygnus 200 light years from Earth, and each has a slightly different color.
"You have an orange star, which is 69 percent, with the mass of the Sun, and it basically is the 20-percent-the-mass-of-the-sun red star dance", he says. "And they go all 41 days to each other."
Doyle and his this system closely looked many employees and saw how the star temporarily with a predictable pattern dimmed - a sure sign that a planet to them was passed. Astronomers had seen strong evidence of planets around two stars before, but this is the first direct observation, their report in science.
"A giant laboratory"
The planet, called Kepler-16 b, encircled in a big circle all 229 days. It is a cold planet, about the size of Saturn, and it is probably a ball of gas with a rocky Interior. But Doyle introduces himself, that the sunsets would be dramatic.
"I remember from Star Wars - Tatooine." Luke was Skywalker watch a double sunset. But in this case sometimes a sunset where they are far apart, and perhaps the first, and perhaps first sets Red Star sets the orange star in the next month, the, "he says." "And sometimes you put into each other, sometimes they eclipsing."
More dramatic opened astronomers is that they learn dance a lot about the stars and planets as they to each other. The junior star in this system is, for example, the smallest normal star that ever discovered, says Doyle. And the larger star is downright confusing.
"It slowly rotates, which means, it is old, but it has great Starspot activity, which is an indicator of the youth," he says. "The whole place is as a giant laboratory."
One of the greatest puzzles the existence of planets around two stars, understand "because she should be there", says Dave Charbonneau, Professor of astronomy at Harvard University. He says that is the standard history of this planet from a pancake-shaped disk of material left after a singleton star coalesces.
"If you have a star - two stars orbiting each other - the pancakes material could easily be disturbed." "And so we have a harder time actually find out, like a planet, so that they can be born and stable orbit two stars", Charbonneau says.
A new horizon of two stars
Charbonneau was not with this specific discovery, but he says that it shows clearly that the planets around binary files can make. She opened a whole new horizon in the search for planets, because most stars are actually born as twins.
"So actually the Sun a little is a rarity from this perspective," he says. "Now we want to know: the most double stars have planets as we now think that do single stars?" "And I think that the future data from NASA Kepler mission will help to clarify."
In fact, Doyle estimates that there are 2 million solar system to two stars in our galaxy. He has for them is hunting for 20 years, and suddenly, the Kepler Observatory his search so much easier. "Now that we know how to find, I think in the next few months are we a couple to find more," he says. "It is a gift, you know." After 20 years the universe finally said, 'try this one.' "
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