A new evidence finds review free, homes and offices of mildew and moisture respiratory infections, and to reduce can disturbing symptoms for asthma sufferers all over the world; the best way to eliminate the form remains unclear.
Mold is one of the most important environmental trigger of symptoms such as coughing and wheezing, health sciences according to National Institute of environmental.
"Form found partially or completely underground and in buildings, which have been flooded or poor humidity control, will have many with Keller, in homes and work stoppages,", said Peter Thorne, head of the Department of occupational safety and health at the University of Iowa. "House and office building both have problems."
But makes a big difference apartments, offices and schools of moisture and mold "Correction" or relief? Examiner Riitta Sauni of the Finnish Institute of occupational health in, run Tampere, Finland, said that the results are mixed.
"We were glad evidence that rehabilitation of damaged houses reduced form, severity, and the level of symptoms in patients with asthma and respiratory, infections," Sauni said. "Unfortunately, we found does not prove that the meditation of these diseases could prevent."
The review appears in the September issue of the Cochrane Library, a publication of the Cochrane Collaboration, an international organization that evaluates research in all areas of health care. Systematic reviews draw conclusions about evidence-based medical practice taking into account both the content and the quality of the existing studies on a subject.
Remediation of mold and moisture requires full or partial renovation of a building or cleaning with a fungicide or bleach solution. Sauni and her team saw eight studies with 6.538 participants, their homes, schools or workplaces, which had restored through a combination of these methods. The reviews say that because the available studies do not provide high-quality evidence have and sample sizes were small, "hard conclusions difficult."
Yet, the review found that compared to anything at all to do, repair houses asthma symptoms as also the amount of infections of the respiratory tract in adult. Recovery reduces the number of acute care visits to children and students visit to doctors for colds.
Study in a South Wales, for example, 115 members of the Group had their homes with a fungicide treatment and installation of fan, restored the complete removal of visible form, improve their respiratory symptoms for six and 12 months later were rather, compared to those in the control group, whose Häuser were not cleaned up.
The reviews could not determine however, which method was superior to the rehabilitation clear reduction of asthma symptoms.
"The studies have shown that after the cleaning and, apply fungicidal treatment, a large number of buildings soon with mold new infections have been, and must also be a partial office building more thoroughly had to be repaired," said Sauni, adding that removing mold can be expensive.
"Sometimes, if the structures are far damaged, is the simplest and most cost-effective option open the damp buildings and create a new" she said.
The reviews came to the conclusion that better research be must demonstrate better results.
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