Two questions during regular visit to the pediatrician may help identify youth drinking problems, according to a group of national experts organized by the National Institute on alcohol and the alcohol abuse (NIAAA), which has just released the guidelines for the screening of alcohol and treatment.
Despite the national drinking age 21, approximately 7% of Americans 12 - years have been more odd sip of drink alcoholic. According to the age of 18, that proportion rises to 70%. Children who begin drinking before age 15 - outside the parameters adapted as the religious ceremonies or family meals in cultures of drinkers of wine - are four times more likely to develop alcoholism than those who begin later.
Then that drinking deviants beginning is not necessarily to alcoholism, it indicates that the young person may be at high risk for alcohol problems and other psychiatric disorders and may benefit from early treatment.
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Questions pediatricians should ask according to the NIAAA are as follows, with text amended to be age-appropriate:
You have friends who drank beer, wine or drink containing alcohol in the last year?
You - the last year, had you on how many days have more than a few sips of beer, wine or any drink containing alcohol?
Screening is obviously better when the parents are not present and after the child was informed of the privacy policy of the doctor. In General, pediatricians keep confidential information unless the child is in immediate danger for alcohol-related harm by engaging in activities as the daily drinking or drinking and driving.
The question to what friends drinking tends to predict future alcohol consumption. If the child responds Yes but not in the second, the doctor may welcome the child to avoid alcohol, discuss the risks of alcohol ways they can avoid drinking if their friends continue to do so.
If the child admits to drinking, the NIAAA guide provides physicians of information on the level of risk associated with various amounts of drink at specific ages, as well as advice on the implementation of what is called a "brief motivational intervention" helps people smoking or levels at least cut at least risky drinking.
Brief interventions involve "meet people when they are in," rather than requiring immediate abstinence or entry into an intensive treatment. In a brief intervention - which literally takes 15 minutes or less - the doctor discussed to reduce or eliminate risk behaviour and the means, this objective can be achieved.
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More importantly, however, the focus is on the objectives and the wishes of the patient. The doctor tries to help patients find their own reasons to choose of more healthy behaviour change and then support them, instead demanding or "refusal." Follow-up appointments are made to discuss the progress, sometimes combined with another follow-up medical appointments if the child does not want to disclose a problem at low altitude to parents.
Not surprising, given how short these interventions are, they have been shown to be as effective as more intensive treatment to reduce the consumption of alcohol to teens. They carry low cost and no risk of exposure of adolescents to more deviant peers that can come with the treatment of group for the substance use problems.
If adolescents are found to have ongoing problems or have engaged in threatening behavior such as drinking and driving, the NIAAA guide offers parents and physicians policy advice to find the best care, including treatment more intensive.
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"We know that alcohol is by far the drug of choice among young people," said NIAAA acting Director Kenneth Warren in a statement. "Minor drinking is also a marker for other unhealthy behaviors and it often goes unnoticed." "This new tool was designed for busy professionals who manage the health and well-being of children and adolescents to conduct fast, screens of the entry into force of the alcohol and brief interventions".
Unfortunately, actually getting physicians to integrate testing into their practice can be difficult, given their time. A 4 000 adult patients NIAAA study revealed that, while 49% were questioned on their consumption of alcohol, only 14% of those with alcohol use has exceeded healthy levels advised this subject by their physicians in their most recent visit.
The guide NIAAA alcohol screening and intervention for youth are located here.
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Maia Szalavitz, is a writer of health at Find him on Twitter at @ maiasz. You can also continue the discussion on the time Facebook page Healthland and on Twitter at @ TIMEHealthland.
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