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Melissa Block and Lynn Neary learn from researcher Kevin Allan of the University of Aberdeen King's College in Scotland that women remember better when spoken to in a low-pitch voice. This helps women to pick a suitable partner.
Copyright © 2011 National Public Radio®. For personal, noncommercial use only. See Terms of Use. For other uses, prior permission required.MELISSA BLOCK, host: If you are female, a new study declares that you are more likely to remember something said by this voice...
BARRY WHITE: Take it off. Baby, take it all off.
BLOCK: ...and this one.
UNIDENTIFIED OPERA SINGER: (Singing) (unintelligible).
LYNN NEARY, host: And especially this one...
ROBERT SIEGEL, host: This is NPR.
NEARY: ...than by this one.
UNIDENTIFIED SINGER: (Singing) I don't want my heart to show.
BLOCK: That's because the first three male voices were low-pitched. A team of researchers at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland has determined that females better remember what deep-voiced men say than things said by a man with a higher pitch.
KEVIN ALLAN: And the point to the research was to show that women's memory is sensitive to details associated with men who are desirable.
BLOCK: That's Dr. Kevin Allan. His department conducted the study. He says science already knew that the ladies preferred deep-voiced guys.
NEARY: But the Aberdeen study, for the first time, connected voice pitch with memory. The study was done by showing a group of women various objects while hearing men say the name of the object. The deeper the voice of the man, the more likely the women would recall it.
BLOCK: Now, they did test men, too, but Lynn, apparently male memories are not sensitive to the pitch of a female voice.
NEARY: Well, that's good to know.
TINY TIM: (Singing) Tiptoe from the garden, by the garden of a willow tree and tiptoe through the tulips with me.
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